If you’re single and looking for love, online dating can be a great option. There exists countless websites and apps that make it easy to connect with other singles in your area. It’s a way to meet people even if you don’t have much free time or would rather not spend hours at the bar trying to find Mr. Right (or Ms. Right Now).

Online dating has become more popular among young people in recent years. Research shows that three in ten adults in the USA have used a dating site or app. Additionally, 27% of all internet users between 18-34 report using an online site for meeting potential partners to lead to relationships, marriage, or just to make friends.

While online dating is convenient, navigating and getting results can be hard and frustrating. Many singles say online dating does not work. In the blog, we shall look at why online dating usually is frustrating (and can suck) and give you helpful solutions that can change that starting today. Let’s dig in!

Online Dating Help

Why Is Online Dating Hard and Frustrating?

Unrealistic Expectations

One of the most common questions on dating sites is “what are you looking for?”  Interestingly women go to online dating sites and seek a soulmate, whereas men typically just want something casual. This mismatch of is what sets unrealistic expectations that cause frustration.

People Lie on Their Profile

A Study of the four well-known dating sites revealed that men and women told common lies on their profiles. Some men lied about their height, while more than 60% stated that their weight was less by 5 pounds or more. Additionally, men lied about their jobs to sound more successful. For women, they sometimes used younger pictures of themselves when they were thinner.

Interestingly too, 22% of online daters get their friends to set up their profiles. This also adds to the white lies found on profiles that create catfish opportunities to deceive people.

Online Dating Can Be Dangerous.

Safety is the biggest concern with online dating. However, there are many dangers like scammers could come your way. Other sadistic people even create fake profiles to harm unknowing singles. You should therefore use safety precautions when meeting people physically.

 Is Online Dating Still an Excellent Way to Find Love?

Does online dating still work?

Though online dating has its negative side, there are many reasons to keep looking for love online. Some of these are:

Couples Who Meet Online Have Happier, Lasting Marriages

According to research by the University of Chicago, over one-third of marriages between 2005 and 2012 had started online. It also reported that couples who met online had happier, more long-lasting marriages.

The possible reason for this is that people are ready for love when they visit online sating sites, and by being themselves, it improves the chances of a relationship working out between two individuals who may not have met otherwise!

It Opens Up the Dating Options to a Wide Variety of Choices.

The thousands of people on these online dating sites and apps greatly increase the chances of meeting someone locally and internationally. These sites also present a good opportunity for those who are shy or too busy to socialize to find love at their own pace.

Text about online dating help

It Gives You Control.

The online dating sites and apps give you control over who to start conversations with. You can also block those with who you don’t wish to engage with anymore.

How To Improve Your Odds When Online Dating Doesn’t Work?

Whether you’ve been on a couple of dates or have only just started, here are some helpful tips for improving your chances of finding love in this online world of romance!

Stand Out with A Great Profile and Image.

A recent survey of online dating singles revealed that common interests and looks are the most critical factors that people use to determine if they will contact someone. Therefore, put up actual pictures of yourself- don’t try to alter them or use stock photos. Also, invest in making your profile the best it can be.

Avoid The Lies and Be Honest

Start by knowing what you’re looking for in an ideal date/relationship so that you can attract those who want the same things too. This helps to avoid disappointments and frustration from unmet expectations.

Be Yourself

Though you may want to hide you’re not so ‘cool’ interests and personal traits, research studies show that highlighting your unusual interests leads to online dating success. Therefore, describe yourself well and attract the people who best suit you.

Get Some Coaching Help

Get an online dating coach if you want to be successful on your journey to find love. This is because they know what works and what doesn’t work. An online dating coach will help you with:

Don’t Play Games

If you don’t like being ghosted or catfished by someone, don’t do it to someone else. It’s rude and inconsiderate of anyone who does that, so take a lesson from them. Set a higher standard for yourself by responding politely with an explanation for why you don’t want to meet again or continue communicating. You will gain self-respect, and they will appreciate your honesty.


It’s true that the internet has made it easier to find love, but there are still some pitfalls you need to avoid. We hope you found this article helpful and that it inspires you to try a little harder in your search for love. If online dating seems overwhelming, we’re here to help! Our team of experts can provide coaching guidance and create a fantastic profile and photo for you. Contact us to set up a consultation with our specialist or learn more about how our services work.

You deserve love too!